Past Projects

PL (+/-) HCI

Unfamiliar Abstractions [EPIC Advance poster]
Can we use program synthesis to produce program translations that enable users to understand code written in unfamiliar languages? Collaboration with Justin Lubin, Kevin Ye, Laila Walker, and Prof. Sarah E. Chasins.

NumPy Program Synthesis [PLDI 2024 paper] [github]
A program synthesizer that generates NumPy from Python for loops, intended to allow a broader audience of programmers to write higher-performance code. Project in collaboration with Justin Lubin, Jeremy Ferguson, Kevin Ye, and Prof. Sarah E. Chasins.

SEPO [poster] [paper] [github]
A symbolic execution engine for RISC-V assembly, used to output traces of CPU states and discover optimizing rewrites. Class project for CS 264 at Berkeley, in collaboration with Sora Kanosue.

CS/Design Education

Flexible Extensions [github] [more info]
An automated system for requesting and granting extensions on programming assignments, aiming to reduce workloads for course staff in large computer science courses and improve student quality of life.

Teaming by Design [github] [website]
How can we improve experiences for students in design courses with team-based projects? We designed a data pipeline for processing surveys of team members and created visualizations for giving students actionable, data-driven feedback.